Tango, we miss … the complicity ! n°130

Tango, we miss … the softness ! Photos by Thomas Conte & Frans Switsers Tango is full of … is originally published on our Facebook page, follow us !

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Tango, we miss … the softness ! n°129

Tango, we miss … the softness ! Photos by Hast Photography & Wim Peeters Tango is full of … is originally published on our Facebook page, follow us !

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Tango, we miss … the smiles ! n°128

Tango, we miss … the smiles ! Photos by Hast Photography & Ellen Smeets Tango is full of … is originally published on our Facebook page, follow us !

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Tango is full of … doubts ! n°127

Tango is full of … doubts ! Photos by Ivo Chauveau & Wim Peeters Tango is full of … is originally published on our Facebook page, follow us !

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Tango is full of … satisfaction ! n°126

Tango is full of … satisfaction ! Photos by Ellen Smeets (and “Hast Photography” I think, contact me if you are author of the picture) Tango is full of … is originally published on our Facebook page, follow us !

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Tango is full of … having fun ! n°125

Tango is full of … having fun ! Photos by Claude Chen & Ellen Smeets Tango is full of … is originally published on our Facebook page, follow us !

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Le Temps d’un Tango

Bored of teleworking ? Missing Tango ? If you are speaking French, take some time to visit the website of one member of our tango community, Roland Vin. He has a nice website, Le Temps d’un tango which has articles about the History of Tango, a nice list of books about Tango, movies, documentaries, everything […]

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Tango is full of … perplexity ! n°124

Tango is full of … perplexity ! Photos by Wim Peeters & Ivo Chauveau Tango is full of … is originally published on our Facebook page, follow us !

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Belgian Government last measures

Dear friends and Tango lovers, Yesterday the Belgian government decided to forbid all cultural events of any size till April 3d. It’s quite obvious that it includes milongas. I have decided to completely disable the agenda on www.milonga.be to avoid any confusions, until further notice. Nevertheless I will continue to publish photos and tango songs, […]

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Tango is full of … spying ! n°123

Tango is full of … spying ! Photos by Wim Peeters & Jean-Pierre Bataille Tango is full of … is originally published on our Facebook page, follow us !

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They are back !

Our beloved Liz and Yannick are back in Belgium in March ! In 2012 they won the European championship in the category Tango Salon and became vice-champions of Tango Escenario. They were finalists at both the World Championship and the Metropolitan Championship in Buenos Aires for Tango Salon. In the four years that they lived […]

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Tango is full of … flowers ! n°122

Tango is full of … flowers ! Photos by Jean-Pierre Bataille & Ellen Smeets Tango is full of … is originally published on our Facebook page, follow us !

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