Announced: María Inés & Sebastián in Brussels

Nosotros has invited María Inés Bogado and Sebastián Jimenez, the 2010 world champions in tango salon & vals, to Brussels. They will give two days of workshops (18/19 Dec) and also perform at a special Saturday Patio de Tango. For details on the workshops, check the Nosotros website.

We have 4 free tickets for the Saturday milonga, but for that you have to do something: you have to leave a comment on this blog post with a little tango anecdote: a funny story, your favourite song, how you started dancing, the weirdest milonga you ever had… Anything that you would like to share. On Thursday 16 Dec at 23:59 I will choose 4 random commenters from all the comments on this blog post, and they will be put on the guest list. So sharpen your pen and share a piece of your tango life with us! How do you leave a comment? Just look at the bottom of this article!


8 thoughts on “Announced: María Inés & Sebastián in Brussels

  1. Did you know that Ada Falcon went insane and spent the rest of her life in a nunnery after a turbulent love affair with Francisco Canaro? Canaro was considering leaving his wife for Ada, when one day the jealous wife broke into the recording studio pointing a gun at Ada, who was sitting on Canaro’s lap. At this point Canaro reconsidered leavign his wife also for financial reasons and the broken-hearted Ada disappeared from the tango scenes forever, donating her fortune to the less privileged…

  2. J’ai donné cette semaine un cours particulier rigolo : le petit chaperon rouge devait danser un tango avec le grand méchant loup…

    (OK, je ne me suis pas foulé les doigts à écrire ce commentaire inoubliable mais je me rattrape avec une traduction 😉

    Earlier this week I gave a funny private lesson; Little Red Riding Hood was supposed to dance a tango with the Big Bad Wolf…

  3. Anecdote: I walked home from work (2008?), and wanted to take a beer at Brussels Bad. But instead of having a beer: there was a small milonga.
    Not the right cloths (so what?), not the right shoes – that was worse.
    I took a deep breath, and asked someone to danse.
    It didn’t work. She went up, I went down. Not even two passes of one basic step. She used to be a ballet danser. “We, in Paris, we dance with our heart.” And off she went…
    That seemed to be a big reward for my courage and my big, big heart. I definitely wouldn’t ever ever ask someone to danse again. But right there, I wanted to dance so much…
    Some people I know, some talking, blablabla.
    I catched the voice of someone – she attracted me somehow. And already: it happened again, though I had sworn not to do it: I asked her to dance.
    What about the floor? The sand? My feet?
    She decided to dance bare foot, also… And I was a little bit woried – the giros, the ochos… that could become hard…
    We danced until (or nearly) the end of the milonga – it was one of my most joyous experiences…

  4. There was a day… … July 14, 2010 to be precise , that I was walking down the “Rue Neuve” …

    I usually never do this “alone”… especially not during the day, but in this occasion I was walking there with my father when I suddenly heard the wonderful sound of
    a violin playing… I thought “mmm, that sounds familiar…” my body couldn’t stop moving… my feet started to do some weird steps… what was happenning?? Ooooh yes, it was “El Choclo” being played… 🙂

  5. 2003 November en was te weten gekomen dat een afdeling van onze school een studiereis organiseerde naar Argentinië. Ik onmiddellijk gaan vragen of ik als docent mee kon, al werkte ik niet in die afdeling. Er was nog plaats en mij partner kon eventueel mee! Argentinië = tango! We wilde dat eigenlijk al een hele tijd kunnen. we hadden dat 2 jaar daarvoor ook al eens geprobeerd, een kursus van 10 lessen genomen bij een Antwerpse lesgever…maar na de 3de les stonden we voor gesloten deuren. de man bleek met het geincasseerde geld met de Noorderzon te zijn verdwenen. de goesting was toen eventjes over.
    Deze keer ik weer op zoek naar een paar die tangolessen gaven in het Antwerpse. gevonden en bij het eerste contact was de vraag waarom we dat wilde leren. Ik geef de reden op en zeg daarbij: dat moet toch wel kunnen hé, we vertrekken de 15 februari. Dus hebben we toch 3 maanden de tijd om het te leren. Ik begreep toen niet dat het danspaar een seconde elkaar met een veelzeggende blik hebben aangekeken en daarbij zeiden: we zullen het proberen….Het schaamrood trekt hierbij nog maar eens over mijn wangen, bij het schrijven dat dit stukje…want ondertussen zijn we 7 jaar tango verder en weet ik dat onze vraag en redenering van toen absoluut niet kon!
    De reis heeft ons er toe aangezet om verder te gaan. Ondertussen ook al 3X naar Baires geweest, en dat zal er nog wel van komen. Tango? Voor de rest van mijn leven!

  6. So… I was supposed to go to this society’s meeting but was already quite in a hurry and worried about arriving late. In my hurry, I got lost in this huge buiding and entered the wrong room : Suddenly, I found myself standing amonst Tango-dancers. Before I even had the chance to sneak out of the room again, the teacher of the class told me to stay. “No way, I can’t dance” – was my replay. He told me it wouldn’t matter and I then decided to just forget about the meeting. I liked it. I came back the other week. I liked it more. Went back, and back… until today where I can describe myself as an almost Tango-addict! I just love the dance and everything about it: how you can immerse yourself in the music, how the movements of 2 people can be so coordinated despite it being an “improvised dance”…!
    I’m currently not living in Bruxelles (I am from Luxembourg and study in Scotland) but I will be visiting Bruxelles over this weekend. And I would love to get to know your Tango scence … !

  7. This is one of the hillarious stories I lived lively and telling to everybody 🙂 If I win the ticket with this, I promise to buy a drink to the anonymous hero of this story :))

    A friend that we know from the brussels tango community, goes to Monte Cristo and is going to dance his first dance in Brussels. He invites a girl (who is a friend also and she dances fairly okay) with cabaceo that we don’t really apply here in Brussels. The girl comes to the pist, our friend hugs her in open embrace. He waits for 10 seconds without dancing in the embrace – like waiting for something to happen – and then he stops the embrace and tells the girl :

    – Sorry, there is no connection !

    And then he leaves 🙂

    We watched all these and couldn’t complete our drinks 🙂

    Of course then he apologized and told all was a joke.

  8. Thanks for your stories, everyone!

    I’ve chosen 4 random commenters from the 7 and they are:
    – Bizy
    – Dani
    – Catherine
    – Sidar

    Please send me your full names for the guest list!

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