Tango Quizzz n°36


Which dancer from the old times was working in a pizzeria ?


The answer was PEPITO AVELLANEDA !

Pepito Avellaneda is a dancer born in the 30’s in the Avellaneda neighbourhood, in Buenos Aires. He learnt in the theses practices where men used to dance together before going to milongas… He performed for the first time at 15 at the Teatro Roma of Avellaneda.

His father had a pizza shop and Pepito was working for him, but he was too crazy about Tango, and wanted to make a career out of it. He used to bring the pizzas at the carnival’s celebration, very popular in Buenos Aires, and stayed there to dance until the morning.

He became a famous dancer together with his wife Suzuki, travelling the world, teaching, and even producing videos to learn Tango. He was an excellent milonga dancer !

Pepito (his true name was José Domingo Monteleone) dancing milonga with his wife Suzuki

One part of his video to learn tango, a serious piece of history

— Based on an idea by Daniel Rossi

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