Photos: Tangueria Women’s Day milonga

Last Sunday Marisa & Oliver dedicated their Tangueria milonga to women in honour of the International Women’s Day. Women got drinks, more attention and for an hour even the ‘obligation’ to invite men instead of the other way round. 
Milonga Tangueria
We clearly noticed that when women invite, they are a lot more couples on the floor.
Milonga Tangueria

Milonga Tangueria Milonga Tangueria

Karin was also for the first time selling her GretaFlora shoes, and one pair was won in the women’s tombola at 8PM. This of course inspired me to take more pictures of shoes.
Milonga Tangueria
Milonga Tangueria Milonga Tangueria

All pictures can be found in the Tangueria milonga album