Tango Quizzz n°52


Who were the little angels of the tango “Café de los Angelitos” ?


They were thugs – small criminals – hanging around at the bar and ironically called “angels” by the police.

Some nights, the police having some quotas of criminals to arrest, a police officer could say ”Go and get me some of these angelitos” at the bar.
The bar, started in 1890, was called at the time Bar Rivadavia, and became famous for its Payadas, a poetic and musical art from Latin america. In 1912 Gardel made it his favourite bar. It was only called Café de los Angelitos in 1920 and became a tango in 1944.
Due to the economic crisis of 1992 it was abandoned and later demolished. Fortunately it was reconstructed in 2006 and you can still this incredible place today.

Café de los Angelitos history

The tango by Canaro and Carlos Roldan

Idea from Hernan Alvarez Prieto
See you next week for another quiz !